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Market Sizing

Market Sizing is Not a One-Time Event

It’s not just a matter of the size of the market, but rather why, and how we should respond, position and innovate to improve market standing, future outcomes, and overall profitability.

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Customer Experience

The Use of AI in Quantitative Research: What to Adopt, What to Avoid

The integration of artificial intelligence into market research processes has been embraced by some as a game-changer, promising to streamline data collection, enhance analysis, and drive informed decision-making. However, as with any technological advancement, the advent of AI brings both opportunities and challenges, prompting researchers to navigate the terrain with caution and curiosity alike.

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Customer Experience

Show Me, Don’t Tell Me.

One of our recent innovations in our ongoing pursuit to optimize and perfect Emotion Intelligence research is the use of images in a “qual-then-quant” process to gain deeper and more authentic insights into how emotions and sentiment are driving purchase decisions (or not).

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eBook: Measuring and Optimizing the Customer Experience

It is critical, when analyzing and working to optimize customer experiences, that three primary tenets of sound CX design be woven deeply into the fabric of the analysis, even when using artificial intelligence or other technology to do some of the information gathering and processing.

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Market Sizing Using Top-Down Insights

Without top-down analytics as part of the market research equation, one runs the risk of placing faith in two sources of data that have proven at times to be unreliable and substandard pictures of reality.

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The Martec Group researchers

Finding Opportunity When the Deal Pipeline is Light

Though most private equity firms typically engage in commercial due diligence once an acquisition target has been identified, there is another research approach that involves a combination of thematic and funnel analysis that can be employed — especially during times in which a more proactive approach is necessary. 1.) Market Prioritization, 2.) Target Prioritization, and 3.) Target Deep-Dive

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Market Sizing Amid Shifting Dynamics

As economies shift to respond to dynamic forces at play, so too do markets. Customer preferences change, arise or decline; competitors arrive, shift or disappear; and opportunities either emerge, shift form, or fall to the wayside. When external forces conspire to bring disruption, uncertainty and volatility, Market Size Analysis is among the antidotes that can bring calm, confidence and clarity.

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Price Modeling: Applying Science When Data is Scarce

Historically high and stubbornly persistent inflation in recent years has wreaked havoc on more than just consumers’ wallets. It has also had the effect of throwing many companies’ pricing strategies out of whack and into question.

Rather than play a hunch, the smart money is on a proven methodology for setting pricing strategy based on hard facts, figures and formulas.

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Automotive & Transportation

Chipping Away at the Semiconductor Shortage

With demand for microprocessor chips escalating, and both the supply chain and raw materials access tightening, here is what we’re hearing about the future of the semiconductor industry and reshoring questions being explored.

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Automotive & Transportation

Qual >> Quant >> Qual

There are situations in which either quantitative or qualitative research is the more appropriate research vehicle. But where quantitative research is concerned, we usually recommend an approach that “book-ends” the quantitative research instrument with two qualitative research exercises.  

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