Martec Insights

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Measure What the Customer Treasures

Let’s look at some of the common metrics used to understand customer perceptions as well as to measure whether the actions a brand takes is having a positive impact on those perceptions.

It is important to note that, while all of these measurement approaches are important on their own, none by itself represents the complete and exhaustive measurement of customer opinion. Rather, it is the application of many (or all) of the appropriate tools that will provide the most accurate and holistic measurement of customer perception — including one critical metric that is unique to The Martec Group and the brands we work with.

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Understanding Your Company’s Future as ESG Proliferates

Environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) is no longer merely an emerging trend, confined mostly to the investment world and the purview of private equity firms. On the contrary: it is far more likely that your company, product and corporate mission are already coming under the scrutiny of a more discerning public than what would’ve been the case just a decade ago. 

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Automotive & Transportation

Reshoring With Confidence

How to Gain Market, Competitor and Customer Intelligence When Bringing the Supply Chain Closer to Home By Rick Claar, President, The Martec Group Who says you can’t go home again? Reversing a trend that dates back to the 1960s, suddenly a global pandemic, supply chain disruptions, unrest in Ukraine, and proliferating cyber crime have many

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Automotive & Transportation

Which Industries Will Be Impacted Most by the Evolution of Artificial Intelligence?

As a market research firm, we are seeing more and more clients wanting to understand exactly how AI is impacting a given market or industry sector — and to get a better handle on how that will change in the near and distant future.

Here is what we’re hearing and learning, both through direct conversations with company leadership teams as well as via secondary research and information gathering.

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Plutchik's Wheel of Emotions emotion wheel market research emotion research

The Art and Science Behind Injecting Emotion into Business-to-Business Marketing

One area of the marketing research discipline that cannot be emphasized enough is a certain power perhaps upstream of provocation, and that’s the power of emotions. We have studied the role emotions play in purchases of all kinds of purchases and strategic decisions — B2B and B2C alike — and the research shows that emotions are powerful drivers of action.

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How to Ensure the Integrity of Your Survey Data

Data quality control and data integrity practices are critical to ensure that a survey sample truly represents an accurate reflection of the opinions and perceptions of the proper respondent population. Here are “Three Ways to Avoid the Dreaded “Garbage Out” Result”…

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market researchers reviewing artificial intelligence output
Emotion Intelligence

What Role Should Artificial Intelligence Play in Market Research?

By Allie Holmes and John Lorinskas “How AI Will Reinvent the Market Research Industry” “Advances in AI are changing the way brands gather and activate consumer insights.” “How Artificial Intelligence Is Democratizing Market Research” It seems everywhere you look these days, experts are weighing in on the impact artificial intelligence will have on industries far

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humans experiencing human emotions
Customer Experience

Customer Experience: Humans Experiencing Human Emotions & Making Moments to Remember

By Emily Bielak Customer experience (CX) has been described as everything from “the new marketing” to “the lifeline” of a brand’s product or service, as the concept continues to evolve and be more closely scrutinized. The CX Professionals Association (CXPA) defines CX as, “the perception that customers have of an organization—one that is formed based

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