The Martec Group Featured as One of “8 Top CX/UX Research Companies”

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The Martec Group is proud to be featured as one of “8 Top CX/UX Research Companies” by Quirk’s Media in the September/October special issue on customer experience (CX) and user experience (UX).

Quirk’s, a prominent market research media and events company, wrote in the special feature:

“Understanding CX and UX can be complex but they are critical to improving how your audience interacts with your products, services and brand. There are many ways to measure and gauge CX and UX making it important to find a company that is equipped to handle all your research needs.

“Companies that specialize in customer and user experience can offer a range of tools and methodologies including surveys, eye-tracking, biometrics and other technology-based techniques. Whether you need help with user experience, customer experience or both, these companies have the methods and resources to help.”

Emily Bielak, Director at The Martec Group, commented, “We are proud of this recognition for the work we do in CX and UX. The Martec Group specializes in solving difficult problems. Our tenacious approach ensures that clients receive a deeper understanding of their customers. Martec has developed a suite of emotion intelligence techniques, including the Martec Emotion Score™, that takes CX/UX research deeper. These tools build upon the peak-end theory framework developed by Daniel Kahneman, quantifying and mapping emotions at each stage of the customer journey. Pinpointing the positive and negative emotional experiences helps us design customer experiences where positive emotions outweigh negative. We work with clients to customize each project to suit their needs, maintaining a consultative approach to each client relationship.

To read the special issues of Quirk’s in full, click here.

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