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Benefit-Value Analysis: A Tool to Increase Market Share

Benefit-Value Analysis: A Tool to Increase Market Share

This is Part Two of a three-part series on pricing strategies to help companies navigate the uncertain future that inflation and ongoing supply chain issues are creating. For Part One on Price-Value Mapping, click here. To read all three installments in full detail, complete with graphics, illustrations, and applicable case studies, download the full eBook

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Confidence in Pricing Strategies

Confidence in Pricing Strategies in Times of Volatility

A conflation of current events has created both upward and downward pressure on consumer prices—persistent rising inflation posing a risk to demand, combined with disruptions in the supply chain raising production costs at the same time. Simultaneously, many companies are seeing shrinking profit margins meeting potentially slowing demand. The reflexive course of action during inflationary

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food and beverage trends in 2022
Food & Beverage

5 Food and Beverage Trends in 2022

We’re making our way through 2022, and if we’ve learned anything so far this year, it’s that there’s no going ‘back to normal’ anytime soon. Instead, industries around the globe are discovering a ‘new normal’ with different market preferences and spending priorities. CPG (consumer packaged goods) companies are working hard to stay on top of

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UX CX experience is the common denominator
Customer Experience

UX, CX, HX, EX: Experience is the common denominator

Voice of the customer (VoC) is a research method that’s used to collect customer feedback. User experience (UX) and customer experience (CX) are elements of VoC that indicate ease of use, uncover new areas of potential, and can help to mend fractures in difficult-to-understand interfaces. Studying what your customers actually value and catering to their

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DEI Hiring Trends

Moving the needle on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is a top concern for recruiting teams and employers. Regardless of industry or company size, human resources (HR) professionals should review and understand current DEI hiring trends. The Wave of 2020 2020 ignited a flood of initiatives for DEI, causing stakeholders to reflect on workplace equity

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conjoint analysis methods

Exploring Conjoint Analysis Methods

Conjoint analysis is a powerful tool and can be used to quantify a number of metrics, including product/feature value; trade-offs customers are willing to make; and, in some cases, price elasticity for a product, feature or brand. Adaptive choice-based conjoint

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reaching and engaging survey participants
Customer Experience

Reaching and Engaging Survey Participants

Successfully reaching and engaging survey participants today presents unique challenges and opportunities. The origins of market research are rooted in convenience – sampling based on street interviews. The first market researchers stood on the streets and asked people passing by what they thought about the topic at hand. While this was effective at starting to

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EV battery supply chain report
Automotive & Transportation

How Sustainable Is the Electric Vehicle Supply Chain?

Investments in and commits to electric vehicles (EVs) are at all-time highs. In March 2022, EV sales reported a 60% increase from March 2021 (one of the largest jumps in EV history). Electric vehicle proliferation isn’t slowing. In fact, with the Biden administration working to make 50% of all new vehicles sold in 2030 zero-emissions

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insights industry buzz topics 2022

What’s Trending in the Insights Industry

The 2022 GreenBook Research Industry Trends (GRIT) Report highlights the evolving nature of insights organizations and the role of insights professionals. While last year’s report focused heavily on COVID-19 implications, this year’s report demonstrates the need to put more emphasis on customer satisfaction and loyalty, attitudes and opinions, and brand tracking. The GRIT Report is based on

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how to do nostalgia marketing

How To Get Nostalgia Marketing Right

Nostalgia marketing aims to connect your brand with feelings of comfort and security associated with positive memories of the past. Market research combined with emotion research can help your brand successfully accomplish this. Nostalgia can be a great brand journey. That warm feeling that makes you smile as you recall your favorite memories evokes a

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Focus Groups in Product Concept Evaluation

Focus Groups in Product Concept Evaluation

How do you best obtain feedback from key users and decision makers that provide independent insights and constructive suggestions? Focus groups work to show what exactly these individuals are thinking. When your company is considering launching a new product, what critical information is needed? Focus group discussions can be a great way to start product

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