Category: Methodologies

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How to Ensure the Integrity of Your Survey Data

Data quality control and data integrity practices are critical to ensure that a survey sample truly represents an accurate reflection of the opinions and perceptions of the proper respondent population. Here are “Three Ways to Avoid the Dreaded “Garbage Out” Result”…

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market researchers reviewing artificial intelligence output

What Role Should Artificial Intelligence Play in Market Research?

By Allie Holmes and John Lorinskas “How AI Will Reinvent the Market Research Industry” “Advances in AI are changing the way brands gather and activate consumer insights.” “How Artificial Intelligence Is Democratizing Market Research” It seems everywhere you look these days, experts are weighing in on the impact artificial intelligence will have on industries far

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Key Takeaways from Quirk's Chicago Event 2023

Key Takeaways from Quirk’s Chicago Event 2023

By Allie Holmes I recently attended the Quirk’s Chicago Event 2023, one of the premier industry conferences for marketing research and insights professionals, and one recurring theme in particular struck a chord for me. While the event was full of interesting and educational sessions, as is typical, the discussions around the importance and emergence of

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­Understanding Customer Purchase Drivers

Understanding Customer Purchase Drivers

Learn how to determine what’s truly important to customers. By Ken Donaven As in virtually any industry these days, employee migration and job turnover are bringing some fresh faces to the realm of Customer Insights. This talent turnover serves as a good reminder to revisit and reinforce some of the basic “blocking and tackling” that

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Predictive Path to Purchase studies and methodologies for customer purchase decisions

Predicting the Path Most Taken

By Chelsea May Companies that embark on Predictive Path to Purchase studies often report some combination of increased confidence in their existing marketing strategies coupled with valuable, previously unconsidered insights that become extremely beneficial competitive advantages. For an in-depth explanation of why Predictive Path to Purchase studies are so important in the modern media landscape,

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Predictive Path to Purchase part 1

How to Apply ‘Predictive Path to Purchase’ to Better Understand Customer Behavior

By Chelsea May The notion of a “customer journey” has long been studied and valued by researchers, marketers, and brands. How a given customer arrived at one’s proverbial doorstep provides valuable intelligence as to how that company might attract more, similar customers. Insights gleaned from understanding that journey can be applied to inform advertising budgets,

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