Category: Methodologies

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Price Modeling: Applying Science When Data is Scarce

Historically high and stubbornly persistent inflation in recent years has wreaked havoc on more than just consumers’ wallets. It has also had the effect of throwing many companies’ pricing strategies out of whack and into question.

Rather than play a hunch, the smart money is on a proven methodology for setting pricing strategy based on hard facts, figures and formulas.

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Qual >> Quant >> Qual

There are situations in which either quantitative or qualitative research is the more appropriate research vehicle. But where quantitative research is concerned, we usually recommend an approach that “book-ends” the quantitative research instrument with two qualitative research exercises.  

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Measure What the Customer Treasures

Let’s look at some of the common metrics used to understand customer perceptions as well as to measure whether the actions a brand takes is having a positive impact on those perceptions.

It is important to note that, while all of these measurement approaches are important on their own, none by itself represents the complete and exhaustive measurement of customer opinion. Rather, it is the application of many (or all) of the appropriate tools that will provide the most accurate and holistic measurement of customer perception — including one critical metric that is unique to The Martec Group and the brands we work with.

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