Category: Customer Experience

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How Generation Z Characteristics Will Impact Business

How Generation Z Characteristics Will Impact Business

IIEX Forward highlights leading traits of this maturing generation Generation Z characteristics include being true digital natives, more racially and ethnically diverse than any previous generation, and open to understanding different cultures, people, and ideas. Gen Z also has an estimated purchasing power of $44 billion annually—already. During the recent, virtual IIEX Forward consumer insights

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market research buyer satisfaction

Market Research Buyer Satisfaction Amid COVID-19

Shining a spotlight on GRIT Report buyer satisfaction findings Earlier this year GreenBook Research released its Industry Trends Report on Insights Practice, which highlights trends impacting the insights and analytics industry. The report is based on findings from 1,071 market research buyer and supplier interviews. One topic of discussion in the report was market research

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Consumer emotions affecting healthcare system use amid COVID-19

How To Reengage Healthcare Consumers After COVID-19

While healthcare providers, telehealth companies, and insurers all try to discern their path forward in a post-pandemic landscape, our newly released study shows significant levels of consumer insecurity. Concerns have been identified for both in-person and remote care. Findings also draw a roadmap for healthcare providers looking to regain consumer trust and optimize capacity levels.

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Customer Experience CX in a Business to Business B2B world the Martec Group

CX in a B2B World

By Ken Donaven and Chelsea May Consumer-facing brands are very familiar with measuring customer satisfaction and understanding the impact of customer experience on their brands…providing a unique, pleasant and memorable purchase and use experience often is key differentiator for these suppliers. Unfortunately, the business-to-business world (B2B), has a much more complex buying process, which often

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How Market Researchers Can Maximize Artificial Intelligence

Augmented Intelligence: How Market Researchers Can Maximize the Power of AI

The concept of “artificial intelligence” seems to be everywhere. The market research industry is no different. Every day, it seems like we inch closer to the dystopia that The Twilight Zone warned us about decades ago: The rise of the machines! But the robots aren’t orchestrating an uprising the way sci-fi envisioned. It’s just that

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Healthcare - personalization and techniques - doctor patient consultation personalized

Why You Should Be Using Healthcare Personas

By Barb Lhota, Martec Consultant Recently, I stayed at a boutique hotel on vacation in Vietnam, and each time I returned, the desk staff greeted me by name and asked specifically about the outings they had scheduled for me each day. Every month I receive a recommendation from Netflix for new shows or movies that

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